Ephesians 4.1-16 IntroductionIn my 2nd pastorate in Jamaica I thought I was going to be fired during the first Officers’ Board meeting. At that meeting the spokesperson expressed appreciation that I had accepted their call because now they had a Pastor to provide guidance on the completion of their grand Christian Education building. I told…
Author: Clinton Chisholm
Music in Christian Education
“Christian education is the teaching-learning process of sharing Christian truth and values, designed to stimulate Christian thought-patterns and foster Christian growth to maturity.” Music qualifies as one of the most effective tools because it is, 2.1 Pervasive/popular and powerful In terms of societal reality, it seems true to say “where music is not, nothing much…
Christianity’s Impact on Western Civilisation
Many Christians, including Church leaders, may not be aware of it, but Christianity has been under attack, from many quarters and more and more we hear lectures, speeches or read books that highlight certain negative episodes in the Church’s history like the Spanish inquisition and torture of people, the witch hunting saga and as well complicity…
Christianity’s Impact on Western Civilisation
Modern Science Despite misconceptions that plague the public in general as well as some in the scientific community, modern science not only had its experimental tap roots in the Judaeo-Christian worldview of a purposive, orderly, created world but “…virtually all scientists from the Middle Ages to the mid-eighteenth century—many of whom were seminal thinkers—not only were…
Transhuman aspects of the Bible
In my last piece) I alluded to the: mindboggling value and timing of circumcision and fulfilled prophecy as suggesting transhuman elements in the Bible. • Circumcision’s value “…under the foreskin is an excellent incubation spot for many bacteria and certain ones in particular. For instance, Mycobacterium smegmatis…grows there prolifically. This organism, as well as others, produces carcinogenic by-products. The…