Heb. 13 4 Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. Gen. 2 24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. If…
Author: Clinton Chisholm
Slavery in the Bible
Mr. Peter Wickham (of Barbados) is a very educated man but he and even most Christians need to understand how to read an ancient text from a different cultural milieu to ours. I illustrate the need with Mr. Wickham’s (mis)reading of the issue of slavery in the Bible in his column in the Barbados Nation…
Jesus’ Death & Resurrection: What Days?
Preamble: Groups like the Church of God International, the Church of God (7th day) and The Assembly of Yahweh hold that the crucifixion was on Wednesday and the resurrection on Saturday.[1] Many in the Caribbean have no doubt been exposed to Herbert W. Armstrong’s booklet; The Resurrection Was Not On Sunday, which argues this view….
Resurrection:The Philosophical problem of ‘Miracle’
Two Philosophers of worldwide repute one ancient the other modern have launched formidable attacks on the concept and credibility of miracles. These were the 18th century Scottish Philosopher David Hume and the 21st century British Philosopher Antony Flew. I strongly doubt that Flew would have maintained his position against miracles had he lived long enough…