- Christian Education Defined
“Christian education is the teaching-learning process of sharing Christian truth and values, designed to stimulate Christian thought-patterns and foster Christian growth to maturity.”
- The Value of Music in Christian Education
Music qualifies as one of the most effective tools because it is,
2.1 Pervasive/popular and powerful
- It is the most utilised artistic expression among youth.
- Used in ads, movies, Churches, at parties, etc.
In terms of societal reality, it seems true to say “where music is not, nothing much of significance is.”
2.2 Powerful
2.2.1 Emotionally
‘Music affects temperament and character’ (Greek doctrine of the ethos of a melody).
- Plato, the Athenian philosopher (c.428-348 BC) said,
“Musical training is a more potent instrument than any other, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul.” (Republic)
- Aristotle, another Greek philosopher (c.384-322 BC) said,
“If a person habitually listens to the kind of music that rouses ignoble passions, his whole character will be shaped to an ignoble form. In short, if one listens to the wrong kind of music he will become the wrong kind of person; but conversely, if he listens to the right kind of music he will tend to become the right kind of person.” (Politics)
- Martin Luther, the reformer (1483-1546) said,
“…For whether you wish to comfort the sad, terrify the happy, encourage the despairing, humble the proud, calm the passionate, or appease those full of hate – and who could number all these masters of the human heart, namely, the emotions, inclinations, and affections that impel men to evil or good? – what more effective means than music could you find?” (in the Preface to Georg Rhau’s Symphoniae iucindae,1538)
- David’s playing and its effect on saul (1 Sam. 16.23) and Demodocus’ singing and its effect on Odysseus (Homer’s The Odyssey, p. 124, Penguin edition).
- Use of music to change or create moods and atmospheres e.g. personal problem, romantic intimacy, worship, suspense in movies, etc.
- Modern psychiatrists attest to the emotional power of music (see Music and the Brain[eds. Critchley & Henson], Jamaican Psychiatrist Prof. Fred Hickling) concurs.
2.2.2 Educationally
Music teaches directly and indirectly.
- Music is a multi-dimensional communicator via melody, harmony, rhythm, style, volume, modulation, lyrics, etc.
- Melody aids retention and recall of information.
- Music provides fun-filled, incidental learning.
3. Some Abuses of Music in the Church
- Music as mere time-filler.
- Ad hoc selection of hymns and choruses: no content-relationship with sermon or talk.
- Uncritical use of songs and choruses (‘Fire, Fire, Fire, when the soul caught fire’ it burns out what? (condemnation, constipation, carnal nature?), ‘It’s Coming Down’ (tense confusion)
- Little serious regard for lyrical content, the words (you pray and ponder faith issues most profoundly via hymns cf. Redemption Songs #594 on prayer), serious or suspect doctrine comes through the lyrics (cf. ‘He’ or ‘One God’)
- No serious regard for musical accuracy cf. ‘Dear Lord and Father of mankind’, at “forgive our foolish ways” or ‘Beneath the Cross of Jesus’ at “I fain would take my stand, the shadow of a mighty rock within a weary land” or ‘Thou Did’st Leave Thy Throne’ at “But in Bethlehem’s home there was found no room”.
4. The Supreme Value of Music in Worship see 2 Chronicles 5.11-14)
- As a catalyst in worship. By worship is meant, at least, ‘the recognition of and response to, the supreme otherness and worthiness of God.’
- If a weighty sense of the Divine presence is to result in worship through Church musicians, then those musicians need much
preparation and much consecration; the marriage of artistry and anointing.
A significant but largely unappreciated area of the Church’s transforming influence on societies is in the realm of the Arts, especially with reference to music and art. Though a somewhat subjective issue, if the average knowledgeable person is quizzed about ‘the international ‘greats’ in music and art, in all likelihood the names of Christians would emerge such as artists, Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519),Michelangelo(1475-1564), Rembrandt (1606-1669) , and musicians, J.S. Bach (1685-1750), Friedrich Handel (1685-1759), Franz Schubert (1797-1828) and Wolfgang Mozart (1756-1791).
Church music directors must help worshippers to appreciate the value of music in worship especially as this relates to the Christian education value of the lyrics of hymns. Sharing tidbits on the background of the hymns may help youth. Lovingly guiding all against singing old but nonsensical or poorly remembered choruses would be therapeutic.
A clergy colleague told me that he heard a group singing a section of the chorus My Soul doth magnify the Lord’ as “even death could not hold im casket even in the grave He is Lord”. The correct words f or the section in bold are “could not hold him captive”.