Puzzling text #1 – Gen. 22 (The call to Abraham to sacrifice Isaac) We begin our series of puzzling texts with that account with Abraham and Isaac that baffles and horrifies even seasoned Christians. I saw a non-Christian comedy cartoon production of this incident. So we see Abraham tying up Isaac, pulled out and raised his…
Tag: The Chisholm Source
More Public Speaking Pointers
This piece was triggered by listening to Paula & Francois on RJR this morning (March 18, 2019). The two issues that caught my ears when I joined a bit late were 1) when to use who vs. whom and 2) ‘this is he’ vs. ‘this is him’. The 2ndissue is one that I spend some…
Legal Puzzles Concerning Pregnant Women
In my first book, A Matter of Principle (2nded. 2003), I raised some of these issues but they bear repetition now amidst the abortion dialogue. In light of the nuanced arguments for a woman’s right to terminate a pregnancy, should that right become law in Jamaica, then, in my unlearned view, legal reform would be necessary concerning…
For Lay Preachers and Worship Leaders
Call it nitpicking if you will but some things that should be well known are not and so deserve corrective attention. The collection of Jewish songs called the Psalms in the Bible trips up folk in that when you are preaching from only one of them or when public reading is from just one of…
“The Blood of Jesus” What?
My Pastor, the Rev. Karl Henlin of the Gregory Park Circuit of Baptist Churches, triggered the seed thought behind this article in a private conversation. He cannot be held responsible for where I am about to go with and beyond the seed thought. My Pastor said words to the effect “Chissy, if the blood of…