Those Afrocentrists who assert (often without supporting evidence) that the ancient Hebrews derived their major doctrines from Egypt arising from the Hebrews’ collective presence in Egypt for over 400 years cannot easily go on to raise questions on the reality of the biblical exodus. If an Afrocentrist critic of the Judaeo-Christian faith concedes the presence of Hebrews in Egypt for any extended period then the question arises, did they ever leave en masse?
Tag: Judeo-Christian
Nile Valley Forum: Is African-Egyptian Religion the True Doctrinal Source of the Judaeo-Christian Faith?
The attached powerpoint presentation was done by me, Rev. Clinton Chisholm, in Barbados, in February, 2008 at a forum at the Cave Hill campus of UWI. The forum topic was, “Is African-Egyptian Religion the true Source of the Judaeo-Christian Faith?”
Saying yes were the late Dr. Ikael Tafari, Rastafarian scholar and Bro. Neter, leader of an African Religious group in Barbados….