I delivered a public lecture in Barbados on July 16, the topic was ‘The Existence of God: Nature’s Evidence’. While reading over the section dealing with the origin of life and the neo-Darwinian explanations, a mischievous thought occurred to me which I added to my lecture notes. It’s below. “By the way natural selection as…
Combatting Crime: Diagnosis & Prognosis
“Here in Jamaica, there is just not enough honesty regarding the guns that have been here since the 1970s and 1980s. Furthermore, I am tired of the grand narratives about missing fathers, when in many of the hotspots, the young ‘shottas’ were well-coached by their fathers who passed on their trade to them. Many of…
Christopher Hitchens: An Intellectual Post Mortem?
“[Jerry Falwell] was a petty little charlatan and toad…I think it’s a pity there’s not a hell for him to go to.” (Hitchens, 2007) The book The Faith of Christopher Hitchens: The Restless Soul of the World’s Most Notorious Atheist, 2016 by Larry Taunton is a sensitive, respectful and riveting reflection on…
Spiritual Fitness for Sacrificial Living (John 5:1-14)
Having examined the lives of several biblical characters concerning how they lived the sacrificial life it’s time to focus on us how we can build ourselves spiritually or become spiritually fit to live the sacrificial life. Three things are necessary if you would be spiritually fit. In summary you need VIM in your life to…
Questioning the Orlando Massacre
The unmitigated tragedy in Orlando two Sundays ago has prompted several questions. One popular one on the lips of even religious folk is ‘where was God when this tragedy was going down?’ Perfectly understandable question. A seemingly superficial and insensitive answer is ‘where He has always been when…’ I say seemingly superficial and insensitive because if…
For Fathers & Other Men
The 20th century was, arguably, the first century in human history that a call for men to arise was necessary and rang with urgency because the 20th century was the first century in human history that men had not been clearly seen as leaders in homes, Churches and the wider societies! Concepts such as the…