A dear clergy colleague and Friend chided me strongly about an aspect of my Jamaica Observer letter (Feb.17,2021 ‘Covid Vaccine: Cruel Options’). His reading of my letter was not as careful as he knows I would have preferred so I’ll put in bold when I reiterate my advice from that letter to the editor, a critical word which he overlooked. possibly.
Nonetheless, he sent me quite a copious collection of articles, in essence raising questions on the dubious nature of the vaccines and even the virus and especially the Fauci-Gates financial and New World Order machinations behind said vaccines.
Quite honestly some of the material my Friend sent me seemed quite persuasive and as I was mentally getting ready to reverse myself on the need to take the vaccine a line of critical reasoning hit me.
Even if all of the material I got and read was factual it’s all moot, all beside the fundamental points we all should know.
- Millions of people have died from contracting the deadly real virus, unless the cause of death in all such cases was wrong. We are sure that the deceased did not commit suicide!
- It is beyond medical controversy too and thus moot that though they do not promise or provide 100% immunity form the disease the vaccines, in varying degrees, reduce either the likelihood of being infected by the virus or the degree of illness if infected.
- Unless there is a bizarre medical conspiracy to deceive, hospitals everywhere are admitting seriously Covid-afflicted patients and the vast majority are UNVACCINATED!!
In such a reality I repeat my carefully worded rough conclusion in my published Observer letter: After conceding people’s right to vacillate rather than rush to be vaccinated I said: “If however you have definitely decided that you are not taking any of the vaccines you need to probe what this option means.
Bluntly put, you have thereby decided to be at once possibly homicidal/suicidal. Homicidal (killing another or others) should you contract the disease and pass it on. Suicidal because, even if the vaccine has side effects not now known or does not live up to its advertised claims re efficacy, you may be dead before that reality emerges or is refuted over time.
My suggestion to you therefore is, act rationally and responsibly if you love yourself and others, take the vaccine, follow the safety protocols and trust God or the scientists that all will be well.”